Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Recognising Stress Symptoms

Recognizing Stress Symptoms

Stress is a combination of emotional and physical pressures, and is caused by our response to pressure from our day-to-day lives. It is really almost impossible to live without any stress, and this is actually considered as being a good thing in a way because a bit of stress in one’s life is normal and healthy. It offers a way of getting out pent-up frustration and other emotions and releasing it.

Watch this video for recognising signs of stress

However, there is a point at which stress becomes unhealthy and unmanageable and where it can become dangerous or even potentially life threatening. When it comes to stress, what you really have to watch out for are the stress symptoms. These are usually noticeable but not in all cases, however if you do notice them you should take them as a warning sign and seek professional help.

Common Stress Symptoms

Although there are literally hundreds of different stress symptoms that one may experience, there are a few in particular that are especially common. A few of these are: headache, chest pain, pounding heart, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, muscle aches, back pain, clenched jaws, tooth grinding, upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea, increased sweating, tiredness, sleep problems, weight gain or loss, sex problems, and skin breakouts.

Those are just stress symptoms that you may feel on your body, and there are many on your thoughts and feelings that are quite common as well, including anxiety, restlessness, worrying, irritability, depression, sadness, anger, mood swings, job dissatisfaction, feeling insecure, confusion, burnout, forgetfulness, guilt, and an inability to concentrate. You may also find yourself having angry outbursts, abusing drugs, drinking or smoking excessively, withdrawing yourself socially, or having crying spells. These last few are more obvious and rare stress symptoms, but are therefore even more important because they are the sign of a severe stress problem.


Once you have recognized the symptoms of stress the next step is to get treatment. You have a variety of different options here, and the particular type of treatment that is going to be best for you will depend on a number of factors, namely how serious your condition is and how long you have been suffering with it.

Often times the first method of treatment that will be tried is subtler, such as relaxation or breathing exercises. If your condition is more severe however, your doctor may put you on medication right away to help you relax while other methods of treatment are used.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.